Dynamics II Plan
(Sid & Sanchit) Identify and discuss the materials you plan to use in fabrication. Decide who will be obtaining those materials and distributing them.
Material for structure of robot:
Adhesive Material:
Motors (2):
Power Supply:
(Romney & Kevin) Identify and Discuss the various parameters you plan to model in your simulation, including
- actuator modeling
Modeling motor: get data from spec sheet
- input signal specification
Modeling electrical input output signal
- mass and inertia properties
Mass and inertia properties of links, motor, battery
- link and/or joint stiffness
Link and joint stiffness of material: Cantilever beam calculations
- damping
Damping of joints will be found using pendulum visual
- Friction
Friction force between ground and contact point
Discuss your plans for experimentally obtaining each of those values, and the model you would like to use for describing each phenomenon.
- Identify and Discuss how you plan to prototype your system and assign one person to do that
- (Romney) Identify and Discuss how you plan to collect system-level motion or force data, including
- method (IMU, video, discrete joint sensors, force/torque sensing)
- data extraction approach
- (Kevin) Identify and Discuss your plan for shared simulation tasks
- which of you will be updating the code
- adding model fitting routines
- filtering, interpolating and otherwise massaging input data.
- (Sanchit) Finally, identify and discuss any reporting tasks that may be needed
- compiling information into a report (may be combined with the simulation if using Jupyter)
Split each of these tasks to the individuals on your team, and come up with at least one deliverable for each person for the remainder of the week
The remaining tasks will be assigned to the group for next week’s assignment.
- Research and select a biodegradable material to build the structure of the robot.
- Research and select a material for the adhesive of the robot.
- Identify and discuss any reporting tasks that may be needed. Compile information into a report.
- Research and select two motors to be used for the robot.
- Research and select the power supply to be used for the robot.
- Research and select a microcontroller for the robot.
- Research and identify how to do the Solidworks FEA for the link and joint stiffness.
- Research and identify how to model the electrical input output signal.
- Identify and Discuss how you plan to collect system-level motion or force data.
- Make a system-level prototype used to evaluate the validity of your concept
- Identify and Discuss your plan for shared simulation tasks.
- Research and discuss how to find the damping of the joints.